This Week In Creator News

09/16/22 - This Week In Creator News

Allyson Darling
Sep 16
2 min

Each week in Creator News, we round up information we think is relevant, inspirational, or just plain interesting to Creators. This was a fun one.

1. Adobe buys Figma for $20 billion (Insert expletives times 20 billion.) Wow, wow, wow. With the goal of achieving their vision of making design accessible to all” even faster, Figna is excited to join this (big, big, big) company and access their deep expertise and technology. Check out this thread to learn more about their plans.

2. 🚨TikTok launches TikTok Now🚨 Is this like BeReal? Mm, yes. With the goal of “posting a daily photo and video experience to share your most authentic moments with the people who matter the most.” This once-a-day prompt pushes out to users and asks them to post a 10-second video or a photo of themselves using the front & back facing cameras at the same time. 

3. Catch your Ninja content EVERYWHERE Twitch streamer, Ninja, announces that going forward, he’ll be streaming ‘everywhere’ after taking some time off. He was once the most-watched streamer in the world, with his steaming home being Twitch. He announced in a video that going forward he’ll be streaming across Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and maybe even Patreon.

4. Check out Stir’s very own Emerging Creator’s Guide to the Brand Deal Galaxy! From getting started to tips, contracts, and common traps to avoid, this guide is a sweet resource for Creators looking for brand deals. Check it out!

See you back here next week. 🤓

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